Lebanon News Network On Twitter: Ariana Grande Blamed For Mac

Lebanon News Network On Twitter: Ariana Grande Blamed For Mac 7,7/10 7720 reviews
Lebanon news network on twitter: ariana grande blamed for mac download

Has broken her silence on the death of. On Friday (September 14), a week after, the 'Sweetener' singer to her ex-boyfriend, who she called her 'dearest friend.' 'I adored you from the day i met you when i was nineteen and i always will,' she captioned a video she'd shot of Mac when they were dating. 'Can’t believe you aren’t here anymore. I really can’t wrap my head around it.' 'We talked about this. So many times,' she added.

'I’m so mad, i’m so sad i don’t know what to do. You were my dearest friend. Above anything else. I’m so sorry i couldn’t fix or take your pain away.

I really wanted to. The kindest, sweetest soul with demons he never deserved. I hope you’re okay now. The 'Self Care' rapper, born Malcolm James McCormick, was found dead in his home last Friday (September 7) after an apparent overdose. Following his passing, Ariana was forced to shut off her Instagram comments after.

Lebanon News Network On Twitter: Ariana Grande Blamed For Mac Free


The former couple, who dated for two years, Shortly after their break-up, Ariana shared a statement calling the relationship “toxic.” “I have cared for him and tried to support his sobriety & prayed for his balance for years (and always will of course),” she wrote on Twitter. “But shaming/blaming women for a man’s inability to keep his sh.t together is a very major problem.”. Earlier this week, the late rapper's close friend on his podcast The Shane Show — explaining that she was one of the most 'stabilizing forces in his life' and tried everything she could to him get him sober and healthy. “They were very much in love and I have to say, she was incredible when he was first sobering up,” Shane admitted. “She was a f.king G to him. There could not have been anybody more supportive of him being sober than Ariana.

I saw that, I was around it, I took phone calls from her. ‘How do I help? What do I do?’ This little girl was unbelievably involved and helpful to him being healthy.” “Whether he’s an addict or not, the way that Mac partied was not healthy,” he continued. “And there was no one in his life more ready to go to the wall for him when it came to him being sober. She was an unbelievably stabilizing force in his life and she was deeply helpful and effective in keeping Mac sober and helping him get sober. She was all about him being healthy.

Period.” Photo: Getty Images.

This entry was posted on 14.03.2020.