Not Enough Disk Space To Install Game : Steam For Mac

Not Enough Disk Space To Install Game : Steam For Mac 9,1/10 1186 reviews
Not enough disk space available

Its usually between 8-10mp/s thats what steam says my games are downloading at, is that what you mean? Well, in that case it's quite a bit high for mere 10MB. Do you use that disk as a system drive? Are there any other processes working with the disk (significantly) when you DL on the Steam? What antivirus system do you use? How is your cpu load?


There can be many explanations. Starting from just not so fast HDD by design ending with HDD getting higher error count/ unrecoverable errors / reaching end of lifetime of the disk. What HDD manufacturer/model is it? Na, you get me wrong, sorry.

WD DLG tool is for hardware diagnostic - it checks (in range of what's doable) whether the device is running correctly and within specifications. Accorging to it's rather worse out of the listed ones, but it should be good enough not to start worrying and panicking about 'bad antivirus'.

How To Clear Disk Space On Steam

After all this is just one test result and it still cought 97% of viruses it was tested with, and there is no telling whether that comparison is 100% trustworthy. Imho if you are happy with this antivirus keep using it.


If you have Steam installed chance is that you have at least one, more often than not a couple of games installed on your system as well. These games may take up a lot of space on the drives they are installed on and there does not seem to be a lot you can do about it other than uninstalling games,. If you do not need Gigabytes of free space there may be another option for you to free up some disk space on drives Steam games are installed on.

Update: The most recent version of TikiOne Steam Cleaner supports Steam, Origin and Gog installations. If you prefer a client that does not require Java, try instead which is open source and supports Nexon, and UPlay as well. Steam Cleaner is a free program for the Windows operating system that you can run to clear so called redistributable packages that are often found in game folders.

These packages are run once when the game is started for the first time but are not needed after first run anymore. The Steam Cleaner application takes advantage of that by giving you options to remove those files and folders from the system to free up disk space. It detects DirectX, VC Redistributable packages, Games for Windows Live, and other redistributable packages that get installed alongside games. Note that the program requires Java to run.

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Since Java is not safe to use right now, I suggest you either or use a instead. When you run the program it automatically tries to pick the folder Steam is installed in on the computer. You can change the folder if it is not the correct one.

Not Enough Disk Space To Install Game : Steam For Mac Mac

A click on search scans all installed games and apps on Steam and displays the list of redistributable packages in list form afterwards. There you see the path it is stored on, its size and which package it is. The path will also reveal the game it has been installed for.

Not Enough Disk Space To Install Game : Steam For Mac Free

On my system, the packages used about 600 Megabyte of storage space. This may not seem like much if you have Terabytes available, but on a 256 Gigabyte drive it is noteworthy considering that I currently have only five or so games installed on the system. If you happen to install lots of games, you may cross the 1 Gigabyte mark easily. A click on remove selected items from disk deletes the folders and files to free up disk space. If you have installed so called episodic games, for instance adventure series like Sam and Max or The Walking Dead, you may notice that each episode installs its own package on the system weighting about 100 Megabyte each.

You can make a couple of changes in the program options. There you can change the maximum scan depth, the interface language, and whether you want log files written or not.

This entry was posted on 26.02.2020.