Apple Announces Dvd Studio Pro 1.5 For Mac

Apple Announces Dvd Studio Pro 1.5 For Mac 5,7/10 1389 reviews

System Software Requirements Mac OS 9 version. Mac OS 9.2.2 or later (included on the DVD Studio Pro disc).

QuickTime 5.0.5 (included on the DVD Studio Pro disc). DVD Player 2.7 (installed as part of the Mac OS 9 Update to 9.2.2, included on the DVD Studio Pro disc). Final Cut Pro 3.0.2 (required only if you want to access the chapter and compression marker creation feature). You cannot install DVD Studio Pro 1.5 for Mac OS 9 while working in the Classic environment.

For instructions on upgrading to the required version of the Mac OS, refer to the flyer, 'Upgrading to Mac OS 9.2.2 or Mac OS X v10.1.3,' included with your DVD Studio Pro 1.5 DVD. Before you install DVD Studio Pro 1.5, QuickTime Pro must be installed and unlocked. Mac OS X version. Mac OS X v10.1.3 or later. QuickTime 5.0.5 (included with the Mac OS X v10.1.3 upgrade).

Apple Announces Dvd Studio Pro 1.5 For Mac Free

DVD Player 3.1 (included on the DVD Studio Pro disc). Final Cut Pro 3.0.2 (required only if you want to access the chapter and compression marker creation feature). Restrictions for writing DVD discs using a Pioneer S201 DVD-R drive: You cannot burn DVD discs with a Pioneer S201 DVD-R drive using DVD Studio Pro 1.5 for Mac OS X v10.1.3. If you’ve created a project using the Mac OS X version of DVD Studio Pro 1.5, you can open and burn the project to disc using the Mac OS 9 version of DVD Studio Pro 1.5, which supports the Pioneer S201 drive. Future versions of Mac OS X will support use of the Pioneer S201 drive. Before you install DVD Studio Pro 1.5, QuickTime Pro must be installed and unlocked.

Apple announces dvd studio pro 1.5 for mac freeApple Announces Dvd Studio Pro 1.5 For Mac

Final Cut Pro compression and chapter marker support. To take advantage of DVD Studio Pro's ability to recognize Final Cut Pro chapter and compression markers, you must be using Final Cut Pro 3.0.2 or later. See 'What is New in DVD Studio Pro', located in the Documentation folder on the DVD Studio Pro disc, for more information.

Apple Announces Dvd Studio Pro 1.5 For Mac Download


Full Specifications What's new in version 3.0.2 Performance and reliability fixes and enhancements, including chapter and compression marker export support for DVD Studio Pro 1.5, updated real-time enablers for the dual 1 gigahertz computers, and more. General Publisher Publisher web site Release Date May 16, 2002 Date Added May 16, 2002 Version 3.0.2 Category Category Subcategory Operating Systems Operating Systems Mac/OS Classic Additional Requirements. Mac OS 9.2.2 or higher Download Information File Size Not Available File Name External File Popularity Total Downloads 4,980 Downloads Last Week 0 Pricing License Model Free to try Limitations Not available Price Free.

This entry was posted on 12.02.2020.