It Support Development ): Install Mongodb Driver For Php On
- It Support Development ) Install Mongodb Driver For Php On Windows
- It Support Development ): Install Mongodb Driver For Php One

Apt-key adv -keyserver -recv 7F0CEB10 echo 'deb dist 10gen' sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb.list apt-get update Now it’s possible to install the MongoDB package: apt-get install mongodb-10gen To prevent MongoDB from upgrading the package automatically we may pin it to the version we just installed: echo 'mongodb-10gen hold' sudo dpkg -set-selections Thats it already. MongoDB should be already up and running, otherwise just start it manually: /etc/init.d/mongodb start If you have any trouble with the installation you might find helpful. Now let’s get to the PHP part. In order to be able to install the MongoDB PHP driver via we first need to install two packages, php-pear and php5-dev: apt-get install php-pear apt-get install php5-dev After that, installation of the PHP driver is easy: pecl install mongo Next we need to add the driver to our php.ini to enable it. If you also intend to use the driver via command Line and/or CGI you might need to add it to multiple php.ini files.
It Support Development ) Install Mongodb Driver For Php On Windows
These paths are most likely the following, but your path(s) may vary: nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini nano /etc/php5/cli/php.ini nano /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini Add the following line: In order to enable the driver for Apache a server restart is necessary: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart Done. Now we are able to use the MongoDB PHP driver.
It Support Development ): Install Mongodb Driver For Php One
For instructions on how to use it please see the. Finally we may also add the Munin-Plugin for MongoDB for monitoring different aspects of the database performance. In case you have not yet installed Munin itself you can find many tutorials on the net (or ).