Strata Strata Foto 3d J For Mac

Strata Strata Foto 3d J For Mac 7,2/10 4266 reviews

ان من اهم القناعات لدي شركة تيفاق الاثاث للتجاري المحدودة هي الارتباط بالاسواق التي تعمل بها وتقديم الخدمة الاحترافية للعمل بواسطة عدة نقاط رئيسية تتمثل في التواصل المباشر مع العملاء والقدرة ع توقع متطلبات السوق واحتياجاته والقدرة علي تنفيذ المشاريع الواعدة من خلال ادارة مختصه يناط بها مهمة التنفيذ وبواسطة آلية وسياسة تم وضعها لجاهزية التنفيذ بجميع مناطق المملكة - تشمل منتجاتنا من شرق آسيا بلدين هما الصين وماليزيا حيث يتم استيراد افضل التصاميم في جميع انواع الاثاث الموجود لدينا من حيث الجودة. ان شركة تيفاق الاثاث للتجارة المحدودة هي الموزع الرسمي لشركة EFG العالمية وهي واحدة من اكبر الشركات المصنعة للاثاث في اوروبا.

Models can be sent as a 3D layer to Photoshop Extended design projects, where the 3D object can be painted on, rotated, lighting adjusted, and more. Or, textured 3D models can be exported as VRML or Collada files for import into Design 3D or other 3D software. In-Depth Feature List Photo Support Foto 3D builds and places a UV texture on any model by using a series of photographs. Regardless of the type of camera you use, Foto 3D will calibrate itself automatically for the best results. Foto 3D allows you to take anywhere from 20 to 256 pictures to create your textured 3D model.

Mat Printing. Lens Calibration. Up To 256 Images Per Object. Automatic Camera Calibration. Merge Additional Photos Surface Generation Foto 3D generates a model that includes surface smoothing and interactive mesh decimation. For use in a 3D rendering package, such as, you’ll want the highest quality mesh possible.

For real-time 3D use, you may want to reduce your mesh density for faster downloads. Surface Optimization. Interactive Mesh Decimation. Fast Wireframe Generation. Clipping Plane Save & Export Features Once you’re finished with your project, simply export it into VRML, Collada or 3DS. Then your file can be imported into Strata 3D CX for rendering and animation, or into Strata Live 3D for real-time display on a web page or PDF document.

VRML. Collada. Dan fairs on twitter: ok, fed up with tweetie for mac. 3DS Masking Features With a complete toolset that includes automatic mask generation, interactive threshold controls, shrink wrapping and brushes, you’re guaranteed a positive result.

Once Foto 3D creates the 3D object, you can then rotate it to any position and finalize any additional masking that may be required. Automated Masking. Shrink Wrap Tool. Interactive Threshold.

Masking Tools. Import External Masks Texturing Features Foto 3D creates a photo-realistic UV texture for your model. You can use Adobe Photoshop to modify the texture from any angle.


Simply copy the view to Photoshop, modify the texture, and paste it back into Foto 3D. All texture blending occurs automatically.

Optional Photoshop plug ins require CS 4 or CS 5.x. Plug ins not compatible with CS 6. Automatic Texture Creation. UV Unwrapping. Incremental Map Generation.

Texture Map Editing. External Texture Editing.

Large Map Resolution. Tone Correction.

Vizworld “It’s a bargain Users who find themselves frequently needing to scan 3D models will find Foto3D CX an invaluable tool for it’s power, flexibility, and excellent price point.” IT Enquirer “Strata Foto 3D CX is a lot faster than creating a 3D model from scratch in Cinema 4D, Vue, or Maya. Compare Foto 3D Versions FEATURES FOTO 3D SE FOTO 3D CX Photoshop Plug-Ins Generate an object from a layered Photoshop file or send the finished 3D model back to Photoshop CS Extended. Lens/Camera Calibration Correct for the specific distortions your lens or camera produces.

Markers Flag specific points across photo sets to build models without the need for the positioning mat. Ideal for very large objects. Image Support Up to 256 images per object, Merge and place non-mat photos. Interactive Mesh Decimation Change mesh density on the fly to achieve the detail desired. Clipping Plane Feet not quite flat?

Use clipping plane to create flat surfaces. Maximum Mesh Resolution 12,000 Polygons 20,000 Polygons Save & Export Features Collada (DAE), VRML and 3DS. Automated Masking Create masks automatically from clean backgrounds.

Strata Foto 3d

Masking Tools Create your own masks in-app. Import External Masks Import masks from another application.

UV Unwrapping and Texture Creation Model is textured with the photos used to create the mesh. Maximum Texture Resolution 800 Pixels 1600 Pixels Tone Correction Adjusts for photo sets where lighting isn’t uniform. Incremental Map Generation Add new photos of specific details to the generated mesh at any time.

Strata Strata Foto 3d J For Mac Pc

Strata Strata Foto 3d J For Mac

External Texture Editing Copy and Paste textures in and out of Foto 3D for maximum flexibility.

This entry was posted on 10.03.2020.