L297 L298 Stepper Motor Driver For Mac
Banh, because you are vietnamese, you can come to to see my translated tutorial of Stepping control of Douglas W. He's my 'online' teacher. He's taught meeh via email for 2 years. If you wanna see the original document, search for Douglas W. Jones Its a wonderful Stepping control tutorial. The torque in these 2mode of full step and half step is different. At full step, if you enable 2 winding at a time, you get 1.4 times stronger torque than normal.
But at half step, the torque will change each half step, 1, 1.4, 1, 1.4.etc. Half step is the combination of 2 full step mode. Half step creat higher resolution. Revolution = cycle, it depends on the number of pulse, not on the half step or full step modes.
With full step, you need N pulses to turn the motor a revolution, in half step, you need 2N pulses. Pulses here means a control vector.
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No, INHx are connected to enable bit of L298, and they are outputs of L297. You cannot control it normally. To control these pins, you need CONTROL input to select the mode of control. ABCD is connect to the inputs of L298, to generate pulses on dual H bridge. INH is used to stop the L298.
It's active LOW, because as output low on INH, it inhibits (stop) ENABLE bit on L298. You can use CONTROL signal to select the chopper on ABCD or INH. You only need to use control HIGH (chopper on ABCD) if you need this technique. Vref of a driver chip is the output, that you can use your ADC to measure this voltage, and disable the driver if the Vref higher than the max Vref.
Your motor is normally running at 2A, but at starting it may rearch 3A. So you cannot stop the motor at 3A. You can use a controller to lock the driver if it's at 3A for very long time or if it's higher than 3A.
So, in this case, your Vref should be 3A. 0.5Ohm = 1.5V.
However, try to choose Vref 5V which applied to VDD of your uC. In this case, you can use your comparator but not a ADC to control the driver. Because, some uC do not support ADC, but it supports comparator, such as: 16F628, or 16F628A. Oh, sorry, I said about the Vref on uC, that I use to control L298. SenseA, and SenseB are connected to Vref of uC, that is why I say Vref is the output from driver chip. However, a internal comparator of L297 can be used, and you can apply the max voltage to chopper the driver, if the current is going too high. However, I don't use it in my driver, because as I said, a high current could be created at the beginning (especially with DC motors), so if you chop down the chip, you cannot control the driver anylonger.
That why I use SenseA, and SenseB connect directly to microcontroller. I use software to detect the high current. If high current is higher than normal current for so long time, I'll cut down the chip. For short circuit protection, you should use hardware. Software is used in this case to protect the chip and the motor if you apply a heavy load, or the motor is stopped by external forces. With stepping it seems to be oki with comparator protection, so you can use the Vref inputs as you want.
It depends on the motor that is connected, the desired speed and the efficiency you're trying to achieve. Setting it to 0 will send current control thru to INH1 & INH2. This turns OFF all transistors in the H-bridge when the current exceeds the reference level. This will result in current to decay faster and will allow the motor to run faster but hotter. This is used for steppers with high inductance. Setting it to 1 will send current control thru to ABCD. The freewheeling motor current will decay slower.
The current will fluctuate less and so there is less ripple, less core loss and run cooler. Low inductance motors will benefit from this control method. It depends on the motor that is connected, the desired speed and the efficiency you're trying to achieve. Setting CONTROL to 0 will send current control thru to INH1 & INH2.
This turns OFF all transistors in the H-bridge when the current exceeds the reference level. This will result in current to decay faster and will allow the motor to run faster but hotter. This is used for steppers with high inductance. Setting CONTROL to 1 will send current control thru to ABCD. The freewheeling motor current will decay slower. The current will fluctuate less and so there is less ripple, less core loss and run cooler.
Low inductance motors will benefit from this control method. With the same clock, running at half steps will reduce the RPM to half that of full steps. Half steps will reduce vibration and acoustic noise. Does this mean that: -if CONTROL is set to 0V, will there still be a protection from high current since INH1 and INH2 are disactivated?
Cause I've read that those two pins Disable the L298 when high current is detected.does the CONTROL pin set depends on the motor kind (bipolar or unipolar)? Another thing: from the datasheet, three driving modes are possible:.NORMAL DRIVE MODE.HALF STEP MODE.WAVE DRIVE MODE the second and third modes needs INH signals (so CONTROL = 1 volt) and not the first mode, why?
Description SPICE simulation of a bipolar stepper motor. The circuit implements a controller for a bipolar stepper motor, with an IC controller L297 that generates four phase drive signals for two phase bipolar motor.
It requires only clock, direction and mode input signals. The stepping motor is directly driven by an L298 high voltage, high current dual full bridge driver designed to accept TTL logic levels. Project Type: Free. Complexity: Intermediate. Components number:. SPICE software: Proteus.
Software version: 7.7+. Full software version nedeed: No. '; collapsItems'collapsCat-235:5' = '. '; collapsItems'collapsCat-234:5' = ' '; collapsItems'collapsCat-233:5' = ' '; collapsItems'collapsCat-225:5' = '. '; collapsItems'collapsCat-232:5' = '.
L298 Motor Driver Arduino
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