Faculty/staff: Adding E-mail Account To Outlook For Mac

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Change meeting request: Outlook 2011 for Mac As the organizer of a meeting, it is often necessary to make changes to a meeting that has already been scheduled. The only item that cannot be changed is your attendance: as the organizer, the meeting cannot exist without you. Change a single-occurrence meeting. Double click on the meeting in your calendar to open the Meeting Occurrence dialogue box. To add additional attendees or select a different meeting time, click on the Scheduling icon.

  1. Faculty/staff: Adding E-mail Account To Outlook For Mac Free
  2. Faculty Staff Add E Mail Account To Outlook For Mac
  3. Faculty/staff: Adding E-mail Account To Outlook For Mac 2016

When you are finished, click on the Send Update icon. Change a reoccurring meeting. Double click on the meeting in your calendar to open the Meeting Occurrence dialogue box. Click on the Edit Series icon to open the Meeting Series dialog box.

Click on the Recurrence icon. From the drop-down menu, select Custom. Make the necessary changes to your meeting.

You can also click on the Scheduling icon to add additional attendees or arrange a different meeting time. When you are finished, click on the Send Update icon.

Who can use it? Faculty & staff How much does it cost? There is no cost associated with this service. How to get it. To activate your email account for the first time, visit the page. To access your email messages, you can use Microsoft Outlook, Mac Mail or another email client installed on your computer.

To sign into your email account online, visit. To change the way your name appears in the global address list, make a request on the page. To learn how to archive mail using the online archive mailbox, contact the or consult the. To retrieve an email that you believe has been blocked by Concordia's spam filters, contact the and provide the sender's email address along with the approximate date/time the email was sent.

Service availability 24/7 Documentation. Term: Username Definition: The username you must use to log into your email account. Specifics: Concordia faculty and staff must use their netname to log into their Exchange email account.

Term: Password Definition: The password you must use to log into your email account. Specifics: Concordia faculty and staff must use their netname password to log into their Exchange email account. Term: Incoming server Definition: The Concordia server from which you receive your mail.

Specifics: imap.concordia.ca or pop.concordia.ca Term: Outgoing SMTP server Definition: The Concordia server through which you send mail. This applies to on-campus service only. If you are off-campus, you must use your internet service provider's (ISP) outgoing mail server or connect via the VPN server. Specifics: Server name: smtp.concordia.ca Port: 25 Encryption Method: None Authentication Methed: None Term: Ports Definition: A computer port is a type of electronic docking point through which information flows from a program on your computer to the internet. Specifics: POP setting server name: pop.concordia.ca Port: 995 Encryption method: SSL IMAP setting server name: imap.concordia.ca Port: 993 Encryption method: SSL. If you already use Outlook 2016 as your email client, skip to Step 5 Step 1 Launch Outlook 2016 for the first time. Step 2 The Outlook 2016 startup wizard will appear.

Click Next to continue. Step 3 The pop-up box will ask: 'Would you like to configure an E-mail account? Select Yes and click Next Step 4 First time Outlook 2016 users must skip to Step 7. Steps 5 & 6 are for those already using Outlook 2010. Step 5 Launch Outlook 2010 Step 6 Click on the File tab and Add account in the centre panel of your screen. Step 7 Users who are connected to the Concordia domain will be asked for the following information: Your name: Enter your first and last names.

E-mail address: netname@algol.concordia.ca (MyConcordia portal netname) Password: Enter your MyConcordia portal password Retype password: Enter your MyConcordia portal password once again Ignore the 'Manually configure server settings or additional server types' option. Step 8 Users NOT on the Concordia domain will be asked for the following information: Your name: Enter your first and last name E-mail address: netname@algol.concordia.ca (MyConcordia portal netname) Password: Enter your MyConcordia portal password Retype password: Enter your MyConcordia portal password once again Ignore the 'Manually configure server settings or additional server types' option.

Faculty/staff: Adding E-mail Account To Outlook For Mac

Step 9 Click Next to continue Step 10 A new screen will appear. It might take several minutes to configure your new email server settings. When the email server configuration is complete, green checkmarks will appear (for users on the Concordia domain). Step 11 Users NOT on the Concordia domain will be prompted to login several times with their username and password during the email server settings configuration.

Step 12 Delete whatever is automatically written for the username field. Manually enter the following information: Username: CONCORDIA netname Password: Your MyConcordia portal password Step 13 Once the three green checkmarks appear, click Allow on the dialig box that appears (Allow this website to configure netname@algol.concordia.ca server settings?) and then click Finish. Step 14 You may be prompted to restart Outlook. Step 15 Users not on the Concordia domain will be prompted to login each time they launch Outlook. The following instructions are to be used to set up your Concordia Microsoft Exchange email account on Microsoft Outlook 2011. If you already use Outlook Mac 2011 as your email client, skip to Step 4.

Step 1 Launch Outlook Mac 2011 Step 2 The Outlook Mac 2011 splash screen will appear. Click Add account. Step 3 For those using Outlook Mac 2011 for the first time, skip to Step 5 to continue. Step 4 Launch Outlook Mac 2011 and click on Tools at the top of your screen, and then Accounts Step 5 Click on the button next to Exchange account Step 6 Enter the following information: Email address: netname@algol.concordia.ca (MyConcordia portal netname) Method: USername and password Username: MyConcordia portal netname Password: enter your MyConcordia portal password Users NOT on the Concordia domain must enter their username in this format: concordia netname Step 7 Click Add account to continue with the configuration.

Faculty/staff: Adding E-mail Account To Outlook For Mac

Step 8 A window will appear with your exchange account summary Users NOT on the Concordia domain will see the username field like this: concordia netname. The following instructions are to be used to set up your Concordia Microsoft Exchange email account on Microsoft Outlook 2016. If you already use Outlook Mac 2016 as your email client, skip to Step 4. Step 1 Launch Outlook Mac 2016 Step 2 The Outlook Mac 2016 screen will appear. Click Add account. Step 3 For those using Outlook Mac 2016 for the first time, skip to Step 5 to continue.

Step 4 Launch Outlook Mac 2016 and click on Tools at the top of your screen, and then Accounts Step 5 Click on the + button at the bottom of the screen and choose Exchange. Step 6 Enter the following information: Email address: netname@algol.concordia.ca (MyConcordia portal netname) Method: Username and password Username: Netname (MyConcordia portal netname) Note: Users not on the Concordia domain must enter their username in this format: concordia netname Password: Enter your MyConcordia portal password Step 7 Click Add account to continue with the configuration. Step 8 A window will appear with your exchange account summary Users NOT on the Concordia domain will see the username field like this: concordia netname. To configure your Concordia email account on your Android device, follow these steps: Step 1: Select the default mail application and select the Add new account button. Step 2: Enter your Concordia email address and password in the appropriate fields and select Sign in as shown in the image below.

Step 3: Select Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync as the account type. Step 4: Enter your email address, domain, password, and exchange server as shown in the image below.

Replace the word 'netname' with your Concordia netname. Step 5: Accept the Remote security administration notice by choosing OK. To set a vacation message using OWA, click on 'Options' and then 'Set automatic replies'. If you wish to set an end date for your vacation message, simply check the box next to 'Send replies only during this time period' and enter the applicable dates. Type your vacation message in the box provided.

To send your vacation message to people outside of Concordia University, check the box next to 'Send automatic reply messages to senders outside my organization' and include your vacation message in the box provided. Faculty and staff are given a quota of 2GB. If you want to free space in your inbox, here are some suggestions. If you would like more information, explanations, or help managing your email, contact the. Determine which folders are using the most space. It is important to know which folders are using up more or less of your quota on the server.

Once you determine this, it will help in choosing the appropriate resolution. Open Microsoft Outlook. Go to Tools Mailbox Cleanup View Mailbox Size.

In this window you can view the total size of your mailbox in KB. Please note that there are 1024KB in 1MB, so the user in the screenshot has used approximately 38MB of his/her quota.

Below the total size of the mailbox, the individual sizes of the user’s various folders are listed. In this example, we can tell that the user’s largest, and therefore most problematic, folders are ‘Deleted Items’ and ‘New Employees’. Locate large mail items By default, folders are sorted by date, with the newest e-mail at the top. You can sort any folder by size, name, or even the subject, by clicking on the title for that column. Choose a folder that is using a large portion of your quota and click on it to view its contents. Click on the Size column to sort by size (see example below) and scroll to the top to see which e-mail messages are using the most space. Delete or move the largest ones.

The art of the steal movie subtitles for mac full. Save large attachments elsewhere For the most part, e-mail with attachments takes up the largest amount of space. Since there is much more space to store attachments in your ‘My Documents’ folder, consider saving attachments there and then delete the e-mail. Here’s how: 1. Click on e-mail with attachment to highlight it. Click on File Save Attachment to save the file to the local disk.

Choose a location ( i.e., My Documents folder), then click Save. Delete the e-mail. Remember that the e-mail will only be removed from your Exchange mailbox once you empty your ‘Deleted Items’ folder.

Move mail from your primary mailbox into the online archive mailbox 1. Select the mail (in bulk or individually) you wish to move from your primary mailbox.

Drag the mail into your archive folder. In Outlook, the folder will be named: Archive Mailbox.

Faculty/staff: Adding E-mail Account To Outlook For Mac Free

In OWA, the folder will be named: In-Place Archive. For more information about the archive mailbox or how to have mail moved automatically, consult the. Delete emails a.Deleting e-mail – Your ‘Deleted Items’ Folder Deleted e-mail messages are moved to the ‘Deleted Items’ folder where they can take up a lot of space. The most efficient way to clean up the ‘Deleted Items’ folder is to empty it.

This is done by right-clicking on the Deleted Items folder in the mail folder view and choosing Empty “Deleted” Folder. You can also choose to delete your ‘Deleted Items’ automatically when you exit Outlook. Here’s how: 1. In Outlook, click on the Tools menu and select Options. Click on the Other tab.

Place checkmark beside ‘Empty the Deleted Items folder upon exiting.’ Once you enable this option you will be asked to confirm the delete. B.Deleting e-mail – Your ‘Sent Items’ Folder One effective way to clean up your exchange mailbox is to delete unwanted e-mail. Outlook automatically saves a copy of every e-mail message you send in the ‘Sent Items’ folder, which can consequently grow very large. If you want, you can delete these messages to free up space.

Log into the Outlook Web App (OWA) using your netname and password. Select the calendar tab on the right-hand side of your screen. Verify that you can see the appropriate calendar, then choose the 'Share' option at the top of your screen and select 'Share This Calendar' from the drop-down list. An invitation to share your calendar will open, allowing you to choose the recipient, level of information to be shared, and the message that will accompany your invitation. Send the invitation as you would an email. The recipient will be prompted to accept the invitation once it has been sent. The security of IT systems is a high priority for Concordia's IT department.

Spam is a serious security concern as it can be used to deliver Trojan horses, viruses, worms, spyware, and targeted phishing attacks. Filtering systems have been implemented to block spam, and while these filters are highly efficient, you may still receive spam emails. Important: Always keep your computer up to date with the latest updates and security patches for the operating system, the antivirus software, and any other applications you use. (If your computer is managed by IITS the are automatically installed). Outlook has some features to help you control spam and manage your emails:. Block sender Use this option to block the sender of a particular email you received.

This feature is useful when you receive recurrent emails from the same sender. If you block a sender, all future emails from that sender are considered spam.

Select the spam email, under Home tab select Junk and then Block Sender. Blocked sender list Use this option to create a list of senders that are automatically blocked by mentioning the senders’ email address or domain name. All emails received from the domains and senders on the list are sent directly to your Junk folder.

This feature is useful when you receive spam emails from multiple senders using similar email addresses (like the same domain name) or if the list of spam email senders is relatively small. Use this option with caution as it may cause legitimate emails to be identified as spam. For example, if you block a domain, all the emails coming from addresses using that domain name will be considered spam. Select Home Junk Junk Email Options and click the Blocked Senders tab. Click the Add button and enter an email address or a group domain. Junk email filter Use this option to keep junk email messages, also known as spam, from cluttering your Inbox. By default, the Junk Email Filter is turned on, and the protection level is set to Low - the setting designed to catch only the most obvious spam.

If you receive lots of junk messages from different senders, you can adjust the sensitivity of the Junk Email Filter to High so Outlook catches most of the spam emails. You should review messages moved to the Junk Email folder periodically, as some legitimate messages might also be moved. Select Home Junk Junk Email Options and click the Options tab.

Faculty Staff Add E Mail Account To Outlook For Mac

Select High for the level of junk e-mail protection. Create rules to manage your emails A rule is an action that Outlook runs automatically on incoming or outgoing messages, based on conditions that you have specified. They help reduce manually filing or deleting when similar messages arrive.

Rules are always turned on and run automatically. For example, when a message is received from someone you've specified in a rule, it’s automatically moved to the folder you designated.

Here you can create a rule using the Rules Wizard by mentioning an action and the conditions that trigger that action. For more information, consult the Use with caution and check your spam folders often. All the methods mentioned above are very useful but you must use them with caution. Depending on the senders you block, the rules you set up, or the protection level that you set for the Junk Email Filter, some legitimate email messages might be moved to the Junk E-mail folder. You should review the messages in the Junk E-mail folder periodically so that you aren’t missing any messages that you want to see. Check your spam folders often at every level, especially if you're expecting a communication that never shows up. If important messages that you believe should be in your Inbox often end up in your Junk folder, then you may want to review the settings and remove some of the blocked senders or lower the level of junk email protection you previously set.

Concordia provides IT training to faculty, staff, and students and training for Outlook is available. For more information, consult. The online archive mailbox is a specialized mailbox that works in conjunction with your primary mailbox, allowing messages to be quickly and easily archived to a location that is accessible from anywhere. The online archive can help to free up space in your primary mailbox, which will lead to increased Outlook performance and will reduce complications associated with a mailbox approaching quota.

To move mail into the archive mailbox, select the mail (in bulk or individually) from your primary mailbox and drag it into the archive folder. In Outlook, the folder will be named 'Archive Mailbox' and in OWA, the folder will be named 'In-Place Archive'. Email clients that support the online archive feature include:. Microsoft Outlook 2016, 2013, 2010, and 2007 (with the most recent update applied). Outlook for Mac 2016 (functionality may be limited).

Faculty/staff: Adding E-mail Account To Outlook For Mac 2016

Exchange OWA (owa.concordia.ca) If you would like more information on how to move mail to the online archive mailbox automatically, visit the. By default there will be no archiving or retention (deletion) policy applied to the online archive mailbox, which means mail will not automatically be moved. There are 2 scenarios in which mail will be moved automatically:. As your primary mailbox approaches quota, you will receive warning messages.

If you do not reduce the size of your primary mailbox manually, the will be applied just before the mailbox reaches quota so as to ensure you do not miss any new incoming mail. Once the policy has been applied to your account, it cannot be reversed. You may choose to opt-in and have the applied to your account by contacting the.

Once you have chosen to opt-in, it cannot be reversed. Yes - once the archive policy is enabled, any folder deleted in the primary mailbox will also be deleted from the online archive mailbox. For example, if there is a folder called 'Events' in the primary mailbox, a copy will be automatically created in the online archive mailbox. If the folder called 'Events' is then deleted from the primary mailbox, it will also cause the folder with the same name to be deleted in the online archive mailbox.

To avoid this, rename the 'Events' folder in the online archive mailbox before deleting it from the primary mailbox.

This entry was posted on 21.02.2020.